My 1914 Bungalow

One Room Challenge: Week Five

November 4, 2018

Hey y'all!

I'm Heather, an Old House Lover, DIY Addict, Gardener Wannabe, and Crazy Dog Lady. I have renovated historic houses for over 20 years now with an emphasize on preservation over a quick flip. Now, I take great joy in teaching others the ins and outs of the renovation world.

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There is one thing I know for sure. I am unrealistic in terms of how long it takes to complete a project and the family room is proof. You would think after all the projects I’ve worked on, that I would have this type of thing down to a science. But alas, I never seem to learn. And so the case went this week on the family room progress for the One Room Challenge. While I had hoped to have all of the trim finished and everything painted, I just missed the mark. But here’s what I was able to knock out.

Corner Shelves

First, I did indeed finish all of the trim. Last week I reported that I finished all of the picture and shoe molding. So, this week I worked on a couple of special projects. This included trim around the fireplace, trimming out the doors for the niche under the stairs, and the new corner shelves beside the back door. The good news is that those items are 100% complete. Now all I have to do is caulk, prime, and paint. The bad news is I still have half of the walls and trim to finish painting. Hopefully I can dedicate one full day to knocking that out.

Stairwell to Attic

Secondly, I finally got around to finishing the stairs and landing that lead to the attic stairs. Luckily, these just took a light sanding and then they were ready for stain. Truth be told, I had second thoughts after putting on the first coat of stain. It just didn’t look great. I seriously considered painting them but ultimately chose to adjust the stain color. After a few coats of polyurethane, and now I love them. I still have to paint the risers white or add a decorative touch here. I’ll make a call on that at the last minute I’m sure.

And last but least, I placed a few picture frames on the ledges to see how it would look. I’m so happy I chose the ledges over a gallery wall. It would have taken me forever to get the pictures arranged just right. These are really old pictures so I’ve ordered new prints and can’t wait to arrange this wall. As you can see below, there’s no rhyme nor rhythm to what’s up there. It also helped me make the decision as to whether or not to add a third ledge. Since I thougth that might be too busy, I pulled out an old piece of vintage molding. I’ve held onto this piece for a while and love how it finishes off the space.

Family Room

So now it’s crunch time. I always work better under pressure so I’ve got a lot to wrap up this week. With that being said, I’m so glad I signed up to participate in the One Room Challenge. Without some type of accountability, I’m sure I would never finish this room. In fact, I’m considering a similar challenge next month to finish up another room in my house. The hope is that I can finally get my own home finished up sooner rather than later. Next week I’ll be posting the final reveal of this room so I hope you’ll return to check it out. Also be sure to head over to the One Room Challenge’s website to see all of the other great projects and their progress. Have a great week and I’ll see you soon!

One Room Challenge

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